This list has many unique dishes, veggies, and fruits that you might be learning about for the first time! Many of these foods come from cultures and cuisines all around the world. If you’re ready to learn some foods that begin with the letter U, keep on reading!

22 Foods That Start With U

Here are 22 different foods that start with the letter U. How many of these foods have you tried?

1. U-No Bar

Ever had a 3 Musketeers candy bar? Well, the U-No Bar is quite similar! Not only are both these candies wrapped in silver packaging, they also contain truffle and almond bits that are coated in a thin layer of chocolate. U-No bar even comes in a mint flavor!

2. Ube

This uniquely colored root crop is a variety of purple yam that originated in the Philippines. It has a sweet, mild flavor with a hint of vanilla, making it perfect for desserts. It’s used to create many tasty treats, including cookies, ice cream, donuts, cupcakes, pancakes, and more!

3. Udon

When it comes to Japanese cuisine, noodles are a staple! Udon is a thick, chewy noodle that is made with wheat flour. It can be served in broth or as a stir-fry. You can enjoy it hot or cold. Udon is sometimes used in place of ramen because it contains less sodium and less MSG.

4. Ugali

A unique dish from Africa, ugali goes by many names such as ugali pap, nshima, or nsima, depending on where you are in the continent. It’s a thick porridge boiled in water or milk and is usually made with maize or corn. It’s a simple dish often served with meat and vegetables.

5. Ugli Fruit

Don’t be fooled by its Ugli name and ugly appearance! This lumpy fruit is sweet, juicy, and packed with vitamin C! Also known as a Jamaican tangelo, the ugli fruit is a cross between a mandarin and a pomelo and can be eaten on its own or added to salads and desserts.

6. Ukranian Rolls

Ukranian rolls originated in, you guessed it, the Ukraine! Also known by the cute name pampushki, these soft, pillowy, pull-apart dinner rolls are topped off with garlic and herbs. They are usually served with other Ukranian dishes like borsch. And just like other dinner rolls, you can never go wrong with dipping them in a warm bowl of soup!

7. Umami Burger

Everyone loves burgers, but if you’ve ever been to an Umami Burger, you might wonder what Umami actually means. Well, it’s a Japanese word that is used to describe a certain savory flavor in many Japanese dishes. It’s often used to describe meat, fish, vegetables or even dairy.

8. Umble Pie

Umble pie, from the word humble, is a simple dish that originated in the UK. It’s usually made with inexpensive ingredients and meats and seasoned with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. It’s also a term for medieval meat pies.

9. Umbrella Fruit

Another fruit that starts with U is the umbrella fruit. This exotic tree grows in many parts of Asia and Africa. It’s usually sour and is added to dishes to add flavor, usually in soups and broths. When ripe, it’s green on the outside, but light and yellow on the inside.

10. Umbricelli Pasta

Italy loves their pasta and there are so many kinds! One of them that you might not have heard of before is umbricelli pasta. Think of it as fat spaghetti! Originating in the province of Siena, it is usually hand-rolled. The recipe? There isn’t an exact one as its ingredients are determined by family traditions. Very Italian!

11. Unagi

You might have heard about it from the TV show Friends but what exactly is unagi? An expensive delicacy, it’s a Japanese dish made of freshwater eel. The fish is usually cut into squares, dipped in soy sauce and other seasonings, and grilled. It can be served on a bed of rice or even in sushi. However, unagi is never served raw because uncooked eel can be poisonous!

12. Uni

Here’s another Japanese delicacy in U… Uni! It actually means sea urchin, specifically sea urchin gonads. Doesn’t sound so appetizing but this decadent dish is loved by foodies all over the world. Its strong flavor and creamy texture is perfect in sushi, pasta, or even sandwiches. If you ever have the chance to try this sought after seafood, don’t pass it up. It’s delicious!

13. Upma

India is known to be a country for culinary adventurers and one of their must-try dishes is upma. Most common in the southern part of the country, upma is a thick porridge made of semolina or rice flour and veggies. It’s usually eaten for breakfast because it’s filling and healthy!

14. Upside-Down Cake

Here’s one you’ll definitely recognize. Upside-down cakes are a popular dessert that are perfect for any occasion. They’re also easy to make at home because they’re made in a single pan with the “toppings” at the bottom. It’s usually made with fruits like pineapples, peaches, or kiwis. Sweet and refreshing!

15. Urad Dal

Urad dal, otherwise known as vigna mungo, is a small black lentil used in many Indian cuisines. It’s a close relative of the more popular mung bean and just like it’s cousin, it has many health benefits! Use it to improve digestion and bone health, boost energy, and strengthen the nervous system. 

16. Urfa Pepper Flakes

An exotic condiment from Turkey, urfa pepper flakes or urfa biber is cultivated in most of Eurasia and the Middle East. This spicy powder has a smoky flavor with a slight sweetness that is common to many dishes in the area. It is part of the red pepper family but darkens to a deep burgundy when ripe.

17. Urgelia Cheese

Semi-firm, light in color, and slightly nutty, urgelia is a type of cheese from Spain. It’s made from cow’s milk and delicious when melted. If you’re looking for something to add to a sandwich or to pair with antipasto, give this a try!

18. Uszka

When we think of dumplings, we usually think of Asian food. But uszka is actually native to Poland! They are small dumplings filled with wild forest mushrooms and minced meat. With a similar appearance to tortellini, they are usually eaten with butter and herbs!

19. Utah Scones

Puffy, sweet, and deep-fried, there is much to love about Utah scones! They’re not like you’re regular scones and are actually inspired by Native American pastries. You can pair them with other treats like buttermilk, chocolate, or even fruits like blueberries and raspberries.

20. Utthappam

Another Indian dish… Utthappam! Think of it as an Indian pizza. It’s a flatbread that is thin and crisp and is usually topped off with other goodies like veggies, eggs, and herbs. This South Indian food is usually eaten for breakfast.

21. Umeboshi

Umeboshi is essentially a pickled plum. They’re often referred to as “Japanese plums” or “preserved plums”. They are usually served as a side dish and taste quite sour and salty. But you can get sweet versions as well. Interesting Fact: The Umeboshi were highly regarded by the Samurai warriors during the Middle Ages as a superfood because of its ability to combat fatigue during battle.

22. Usal

Usal is a spicy curry made with sprouted beans. This traditional Maharashtrian cuisine comes from India with it’s bold and spicy flavors. Usal comes in many different varieties. But is often made with sprouted beans, dried beans, or lentils. Although traditionally, it’s made with sprouted moth or matki beans. This rich and flavorful dish is often served with bread and rice. Click on a star to rate it!

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