Truth be told, I almost didn’t post this Brazilian Walnut Torte recipe today. I just wasn’t pleased with the photos. But then I gave it some thought and decided that I just couldn’t live with myself (oooh, how dramatic!) if you guys didn’t have this amazing rich, moist, out-of-this-world walnut torte at your Christmas table. Also, it would just break my grandma’s heart because she has been so anxious to see her recipe on the blog that she already called me a bunch of times asking “Is it going live tomorrow?”. I guess it’s only fair, since she spent a lot of time on the phone with me this week, teaching me how to make this and troubleshooting my silly mistakes. Funny thing: while I was typing that last paragraph, she sent me a message on Facebook – Yes, my grandmother has Facebook! Can you believe it? – saying: “Olivia, you haven’t showed me the torte. How was it? Did it taste good? Did it look good?”. The “taste good” part is just her being silly, because she knows I am totally in love with this torte. The “look good” part though… Well, let’s say there’s always next Christmas.

What I love about this recipe is that there’s no added fat other than the walnuts natural oil. And yet, this is the moistest cake you will ever taste. Mind blowing, I know! ?That being said, the recipe does ask for one pound of walnuts. But please, believe me, it is totally worth it!!! Besides, it’s supposed to be a Christmas dessert. And you know that there are no calories for Christmas. The elves take them all!  If you’re really worried, just have a lighter breakfast – like my Guilt-Free Christmas Morning Muffins – to save the calories for this decadent dessert at night!

The torte is filled with what we call in Portuguese “baba de moça”, that translates to “girl’s drool”. Ha! But don’t worry, it is just a cream made with sugar syrup, egg yolks, coconut milk and corn starch. No real drool here, thank God! If you wanna make a 80+ year old Brazilian grandma happy, please give this walnut torte a try this holiday season. And then come here to tell me how lip-smacking good it was, so I can print the comments to give it to her.    P.S. Wanna keep in touch? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest to stay up to date with my posts! If you end up making one of my recipes, I would love to see it! Just take a photo and post it on your preferred Social Media and tag me or use the hashtag #oliviascuisine! 

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