This lighter version of the classic panna cotta is made with greek yogurt instead of cream, so it won’t ruin your diet!

I finally did it! I admitted defeat and joined a famous online diet program. I don’t know if it was because I spent the whole pregnancy carb and sugar deprived (due to gestational diabetes) or the fact that breastfeeding makes me so hungry, but I was eating pretty much everything in sight. Just last week, I gained 4 pounds! I kept telling myself that it was my birthday week, so it was perfectly acceptable to eat a whole package of cookies in one sitting! ? Well, I guess not… But it’s okay, cause I’m really excited and confident that this will be good for me, especially since this program lets you eat anything you want – only in moderation! After all, I gotta be able to balance my full time food blogging life with this new lifestyle. Fingers crossed!

Ever since my Italian trip, I’ve been wanting to try making panna cotta at home. But panna cotta can be quite fattening, with all the sugar and cream, and, therefore, I would only be able to eat a tiny little portion and still stay on program. So I whipped together a healthier version: a Yogurt Panna Cotta made with greek yogurt, a touch of honey, vanilla and milk. And topped with the most amazing tart-licious Grape and Berry Compote! Oh, you guys! It was heaven. ??? Light, a little sweet from the honey and just perfectly tangy! And I ate a whole big portion by myself without feeling an ounce of guilt.

To make the compote, I used frozen berries, a splash of lemon juice and Welch’s BRAND NEW Tropical Berry Grape 100% Juice with Coconut Water. That way I was still adding some sweetness without adding any sugar! Their new juice has 30% less sugar, no added sweeteners/flavors and only 100 calories per serving, so it totally fits my new health conscious lifestyle! Especially since I’m a huge coconut water fan.

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw my carousel post featuring the unboxing of the #funmail I got from Welch’s. Nothing makes me as happy as being surprised with gifts! And Welch’s outdid themselves, sending not only the new delicious juices but also the cutest pineapple tumblers. THANKS, WELCH’S! ??? The two juice cartons featured above are already long gone and their names already made the grocery list for the next shopping trip. But please do not ask me which flavor I liked best, because I couldn’t possible choose! They are both so tropical and delicious. Pure refreshing goodness!

Even if you’re not watching what you eat, I’m sure you will love this dessert. In fact, it is so light and good for you that you could even serve it for breakfast or brunch. Oh, and it takes mere 20 minutes to make + you get to prepare it ahead! You’re welcome! ?

Don’t miss the great taste of 100% Juice with 30% less sugar!



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